Tuesday, June 7, 2011

you know that pip in my throat i told you about, that was knawin at me,

i think i just got it.

i think i just found it

you know that feeling i told ya about?
itslike when you've got a pip stuck in your throat,  and you cant move it, not up, not down, immovable.
it distracts you, and you cant see clear, your thinking is all foggy...
and finally it slips, and its almost like you woke up, you were so distracted by that feeling
--and its all clear

did i tell you when get that feeling?

"you get it around lies"

i get that feeling around LIARS, theres a difference. one is like, somethign you can grab, tangible.

then there's that presence in your throat, that you cant cough out.

you gotta WAIT.

i got that feelin right now

(it is the same way the police officer in the scene {undercoverguy} has previously described the way the criminals make him feel, omg good and evil are two sides of the same coin.. HOLLYWOOD!)

ok ive got a trailer, now time for a poster. ok im gonna have this guy standing on the side of frame looking really shady, looking out of the poster around a corner, maybe hes got a gun, or its something more idiosyncratic, like a teddy bear, or a bunch of flowers, or go grindhouse and its a hacksaw or an axe, maybe some kind of improvised weapon made out of a broom handle and some razor wire.
mm ok so behind him is a long alleyway, cooly and moodily lit, as though there is something pursuig him out of the poaster, into the ACTION, hes gotta be looking into a light around the corner, so we can contrast his stubble and get his skin looking orange.

sweet, ok so now how do i get this sucker MADE?

right so we need a twist, the two are BROTHERS? nah, maybe hes not really the mob boss, hes teh chief of police and the whole film was a reverse sting operation to get him to murder the mayor, or a much beloved pizza maker.
or MAYBE one of them is a Cylon?

nah teh stakes have to be higher, maybe the whole film is a sophisticated virtual reconstruction in a distant future, and people are sent back to observe completely mundane policework, in order to catch up on missed paperwork and filekeeping.
great farms of beaurecrats would busly push paper that had long since become dust a thousandfold, as towering forests of meting rooms housed the middle management, delving back into the depths of history in order to slow things down, so the beaurecrats could keep up, they called them the Obfuscators.

Maybe they were deaed the whole time?

maybe one of them is a superhero whose ability is to arrive dramatically at the most painfully futile moment, of absolute hopelessness as calamity would strike. he would therefore be seen as having been overwhelmingly brave to try, thereby distracting people from the horrible circumstance. he would also be great at selling alarm clocks, although he would always arrive jsut as everyone had packed the equipment away, or just as the office closed.

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