Thursday, June 9, 2011

Awesome Adventure Squad and Dr Scribbage

Doris delivers coffees to the execs.

a fly lands on a cup of coffee, and we zoom in to the

"Awesome Voyage Adventure squad"

the team sit astride a giant fly, or rather, a normal size fly, as they have been


"well, the diminutive beam seemed to work without a hitch, but this fly is really hard to drive, you think its a stick and i dont realise?"

"At least its comfy"
"well thats true, but it just keeps taking us to rotten meat we're supposed to be inside the presidents body. to plant this tracking device."

"yeah how are we supposed to get INTO the president, i mean we can fly up his nose, but then what?"

"was the fly supposed to get shrunk too?"


"No but then we couldnt ride it."

"Good catch!"

"I thought we were supposed to get injected into his bloodstream"

"Ew, i hate the sight of blood"

"looks lets just get over there and try, ok?"

"Ace Squad, AWAY!"

they fly out of frame, and we cut wide to president barack obama being interviewed. he is answering important questions at the beginnign of his

presidency. he sees the fly, traks it, and smacks it dead. the news crew zoom in on the hand, to show it is dead we see the red smear of the adventure


we transition out of this scene.

we zoom out of the tv image to the lair of the brilliant but deranged Dr Scrabbage, as he sees his team crushed

"he is clearly under the influence of physchotropics"

he paces

"no man is as fast as a fly!"

his mfbi handler is looks in {from a wheelchair, clearly disabled. a quadraplegic perhaps.Perhaps not necessary.}

"wats.. what.. what was with the fly?"

"i'm not really sure, i mean, i got whats a hand, you know, its... a.. fly.. it flies.. it's got shrunker people on it, do you know how badass that is?"

"well yeah badass, but totalyl impractical, i thoughtyou knew what you were doing!"

"oh shit, no my dear agent Brimsack, i'm completely insane."
He appears suddenly lucid


the dr throws a knife from the tabletop into the agents side

"hahahahaAAA!" YES! YES! it's TRUE, the rumors of my impairement have been WOEFULLY understated, yes yes, of course, and indeed, as always, one is be-
HEST! to bow to ones WHIMS!"

with each emphasis he is hurling objects around the room, canisters of fuel, etc..he is himself doused already

"And NOW iwth a FLOURISH i will MAKE

"He sparks a match and holds it before the officer"

"I'm off to kill the president-"
he is hurled sideways by a bullet ringing out.

the match flails in the air

and lands upon the dr, he bursts into flames and dies, crossfade to the dorctors body int he same place, burnt and smoking.

we pan down from the crisped corpse of the dr, through the floor and earth, all the way down to hell.

It is here that the Brilliant and deranged Dr Scribbage meets his maker, the gatekeeper of hell, and his story goes on.

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