Monday, January 10, 2011

Some more images, caps from a Chopper vs Sportscar anim i knocked up.

City Shots!

Some tests shots of a digital city, rendered with FinalRender - Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Text Seq 1.mp4

Another quick test in AE, some text and splatter fx.

Monday, January 3, 2011

New York Panorama Menu Test

Quick and dirty AE test, taking a still panorama of NYC and treating it to serve as a backdrop for a test menu. includes some splattery nuggets, added a flare to give the still a bit of life and movement. the water splooshes and distorts a bit also. the basic idea is that this pan will loop back, possibly transition to another vista, depending on which area of the city you would want to enter.